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With ManufacturingGPT and Microfactories: How Hong Kong Leads the Future of Global Manufacturing

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19 September 2024 | Seminar & Panel Discussion | GCC Event Review


On September 19, 2024, the German Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong (GCC), in collaboration with INC Innovation Center, HKPC - Hong Kong Productivity Council, and FLAIR, hosted a seminar and panel discussion focused on Hong Kong’s pivotal role in the global manufacturing landscape. 


The event brought together an international audience to explore the transformative potential of ManufacturingGPT and Microfactories. An engaging panel discussion further highlighted Hong Kong's contributions as a technological enabler in the global manufacturing ecosystem. 


We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the guests, speakers, and panelists for making this event a success.

GCC Premium Partners

DZ Bank

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