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Show & Tell: Demystifying AI

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11 September 2024 | GCC AI Series | GCC Event Review

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We had an insightful and engaging evening event yesterday, led by Karena Belin, on foundational AI concepts and the transformative role of AI in today’s business world, from industries to organisations to personal careers.

Here are some key highlights:

  • Why AI Matters: AI is now a foundational technology influencing global trends in sectors like healthcare, finance, and beyond.
  • Generative AI in Action: A breakdown of how generative AI, like ChatGPT, works by predicting the next word and its business applications.
  • Upskilling for the AI-Driven Future: Strategies on how organizations can integrate AI into their workforce and build a new "Org-AI-nization" to stay competitive.
  • Interactive Learning: Hands-on sessions that demonstrated how to leverage AI tools to create marketing content, presentations, and even music.
  • A special thanks to Karena Belin for her valuable insights, and to all our attendees for their participation! Looking forward to more learning and innovation in future events.


And don't miss out on our coming event on AI and the Law – Benefits & Risks — register now to continue your AI learning journey with us.

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