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Masterclass on Executive Compensation Tied to ESG Performance

  • News

23 September 2024 | Lunch Seminar | GCC Event Review

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The growing integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) metrics into executive compensation is a pivotal trend, with adoption rates soaring from just 3% in 2010 to over 30% by 2021. But what drives these changes, and how do they impact both ESG outcomes and financial performance?


Recently, the Joint Finance Committee of DutchCham and BLCC, supported by the German Chamber of Commerce, hosted an exclusive masterclass led by Professor Gaizka Ormazabal from IESE Business School. As a leading authority on corporate governance, Prof. Ormazabal delved into the critical "G" of ESG, exploring how aligning executive pay with sustainability goals can foster responsible business practices and long-term value.


This insightful session offered participants a comprehensive understanding of the evolving ESG landscape, helping them navigate the complexities of integrating ethical performance into corporate leadership. Thank you to all who attended!

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