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Family Offices: What Makes Hong Kong the #1 Destination in Asia?

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6 November 2024 | Lunch Seminar | GCC Event Review


At last week's lunch seminar, we spotlighted experts Polly Tang, from FamilyOfficeHK at Invest Hong Kong and Alan Chow from Acclime Advisory Services, each providing valuable insights into why Hong Kong is the ultimate destination for family offices. With their strategic guidance, attendees gained a front-row view of what makes Hong Kong so attractive to ultra-high-net-worth individuals across Asia.

FamilyOfficeHK offered a comprehensive overview of Hong Kong’s latest family office policies, positioning the city as a premier destination for ultra-high-net-worth families. Their insights revealed the local government’s proactive approach in cultivating a thriving environment for growth and success.

Acclime Advisory Services delivered an essential update on the new regulatory regime for family offices, equipping participants with the practical knowledge needed to navigate and thrive in this dynamic sector.
This event underscored the expertise driving Hong Kong’s reputation as Asia's premier family office hub.

A big thank you to our expert speakers and engaged attendees for contributing to an insightful event! Special thanks as well to the event co-organisers: The Belgium-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, Irish Chamber of Commerce (Hong Kong), and The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and Macao.

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