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D-A-CH Networking Cocktail @ GSIS

  • News

31 October 2024 | Networking | GCC Event Review

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D-A-CH Networking Cocktail in collaboration with GSIS


The D-A-CH Networking Cocktail in collaboration with the German Swiss International School (GSIS) brought together a vibrant group of professionals from the German-speaking business community in Hong Kong! 


Hosted by the Austrian Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong & Macau, The Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong Limited and the German Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong (GCC), the event fostered meaningful connections and showcased the strength of our shared community.  


A highlight of the evening was the lucky draw, with prizes generously contributed by the GSIS community—adding an extra touch of excitement!


A special thanks also goes to German Swiss International School for hosting us in their incredible space. As a leading dual-language institution in Hong Kong, GSIS continues to shape the future, offering top-tier education with globally recognized diplomas in both German and English streams.


Thank you to everyone who attended, and we look forward to more opportunities to connect at future events!

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