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Sustainable Futures: Insights and Innovations for Compliance in Manufacturing

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3 December 2024 | Seminar | Panel Discussion | Networking


On December 3, our Sustainability Working Group organised an inspiring event in collaboration with and hosted by the HKPC - Hong Kong Productivity Council, with kind support from The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce. Our President Johannes Hack and Yonghai Du from HKPC welcomed over 90 sustainability experts and enthusiasts who were eager to learn about and discuss the latest trends in sustainable manufacturing and supply chain due diligence.

The event featured insightful presentations, including the official launch of our Sustainability Leaflet by Michael Keppe, Board Member of GCC and Co-Lead of the Sustainability Working Group. Designed to guide manufacturers and suppliers in understanding and implementing effective sustainability practices and ensuring regulatory compliance, the leaflet is available for download in English, as well as simplified and traditional Chinese.

Click here to download and share:

We also heard compelling success stories from German and Chinese companies, showcasing how they navigated the transformation towards sustainable manufacturing practices and turned sustainability into a competitive advantage. Many thanks to Sergius Trautner from Conrad Electronic Group, Arianna Ji from STARTEAM GLOBAL, and Oles K. from Esquel Group for the impressiv

e insights!

In an engaging and interactive discussion moderated by Michael, we then dove deeper with our panellists Loretta Fong from PwC, Robert Allender from EnergyUse Strategy Advisors, Jane Tong from Giormani, and Raymond Lui from BSI, who shared their professional perspectives and advice on overcoming obstacles with regards to implementing sustainability. The common message: Sustainability should not be viewed as a mere compliance obligation, but rather as an opportunity for corporate leaders to transform their businesses and pave the way for long-term success.

The informative event ended with a networking session, allowing participants to connect, discuss further, and explore cooperation potentials. We are grateful to our event partners and to all our speakers and attendees for their contributions to this lively exchange, and we look forward to continuing these important conversations and initiatives in the near future!

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