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Become a Member

Discover how you can benefit from a GCC membership. Develop your business prospects, engage with the German Business Community, and gain a trusted partner.

Become a Member
  • GCC Logo

The German Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong (GCC) has been serving as a catalyst, promoter and facilitator for its members' interests since its foundation in 1983. With around 400 corporate members today – including German, Hong Kong and international companies with an interest in doing business in Germany or with German partners – GCC is one of the largest membership associations among the European national chambers in Hong Kong.

Why Become a Member?

Access to Information and Networking

  • Exclusive access to join relevant GCC Committees
  • Exclusive access to high-profile delegations or invitations
  • Exclusive access to members-only events and networking opportunities (e.g. ‘Members Invite Members’, site visits)
  • Exclusive access to members-only communication and newsletters
  • Preferential rate for all your employees on tickets to our 50+ Chamber events per year
  • Preferential access to high-profile sponsorship opportunities and tickets for our signature events
  • Unrestricted access to our Member Directory

Exposure in the Hong Kong-German Business Community

  • Become a speaker at our Chamber Events
  • Host 'Members Invite Members' events
  • Promote your products or services via our Corporate Promotion Service
  • Become a Benefit Partner in our Member Benefits Programme
  • Become a Premium Partner and get year-round promotion
  • Publicity through our media (Publish articles, your company news, event coverage)
  • Get listed in our Member Directory and introduced as a new member through our communication channels (What's up @ AHK, LinkedIn, YouTube and our website)
  • Representation of interests in the European business community (EuroCham) and towards the political decision-makers (International Business Committee)

Support Services

GCC Membership Key Metrics

  • 465 Number of Members

    Join our network and benefit from our diverse member community, fostering growth and collaboration.

  • 98.8% Member Satisfaction

    Excellent feedback from our members regarding their overall membership experience in the past 12 months.

  • 6 Committees and Working Groups

    Sourcing | CFO | Mittelstand | Logistics | HR | Sustainability

Membership Application

Full Membership: Corporate – Large Corporation

For companies with over 100 employees in Hong Kong. 


Membership fee: HK$15,000 p.a.


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Full Membership: Corporate – Medium Size Company

For companies with 11 to 100 employees in Hong Kong.  


Membership fee: HK$10,000 p.a.


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Full Membership: Corporate – Small Business

For companies with up to 10 employees in Hong Kong.


Membership fee: HK$5,000 p.a.


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Full Membership: Corporate – Start-up

For companies in less than 2 years old, commencing from the date of incorporation.


Membership fee: HK$3,000 p.a.


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Additional Non-voting Corporate Representative

This is a supplementary membership in conjunction with Full membership.


Membership fee: HK$1,500 p.a.


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Associate Membership: Individual

An Individual Membership is a personal membership with no company affiliation and is not designed for business promotion activities.


Membership fee: HK$3,800 p.a.


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Associate Membership: Not for Profit Making Organisation

Any Not for Profit Making Organisation(s) may apply for Associate Membership with GCC.


Membership fee: HK$1,000 p.a.


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Membership Categories

Full Membership: Corporate – Large Corporation

  • Membership for companies with over 100 employees in Hong Kong. 
  • Membership includes listing of 1 principal Corporate Representative and 3 additional non-voting Corporate Representatives.
  • The corporation is entitled to up to 20 membership privilege cards for employees (registration required).
  • Any company may apply for membership as a Full Member, with all rights of membership including voting rights. A Full Member shall nominate one person to be its representative to GCC (Corporate Representative).
  • The Corporate Representative shall be GCC's main contact, and will receive all information about the Full membership via email and/or post. The Corporate Representative is the only person to hold and exercise the voting right, be listed in the membership directory, and receive invitations to exclusive events as well as all regular member activities/events.
  • Additional Corporate Representatives (3 entries / employees): 
    A Full Member (Large Corporation) is eligible to assign 3 of its employees, other than the Corporate Representative, as Additional Corporate Representatives. The Additional Corporate Representative will enjoy all benefits of a Corporate Representative except for voting rights.

Full Membership: Corporate – Medium Size Company

  • Membership for companies with 11 to 100 employees in Hong Kong. 
  • Membership includes listing of 1 principal Corporate Representative and the possibility to apply for listings of additional non-voting Corporate Representatives at a fee. 
  • The company is entitled to up to 10 membership privilege cards for employees (registration required).
  • Any company may apply for membership as a Full Member, with all rights of membership including voting rights. A Full Member shall nominate one person to be its representative to GCC (Corporate Representative).
  • The Corporate Representative shall be GCC's main contact, and will receive all information about the Full membership via email and/or post. The Corporate Representative is the only person to hold and exercise the voting right, be listed in the membership directory, and receive invitations to exclusive events as well as all regular member activities/events.
  • Additional Corporate Representatives (optional):
    A Full Member may propose any of its employees other than the Corporate Representative as an Additional Corporate Representative. This person will enjoy all benefits of a Corporate Representative except for voting rights. An additional fee of $1,500 will be levied for each listing.

Full Membership: Corporate – Small Business

  • Membership for companies with up to 10 employees in Hong Kong.  
  • The company is entitled to up to 5 membership privilege cards for employees (Registration required).
  • Any company may apply for membership as a Full Member, with all rights of membership including voting rights. A Full Member shall nominate one person to be its representative to GCC (Corporate Representative).
  • The Corporate Representative shall be GCC's main contact, and will receive all information about the Full membership via email and/or post. The Corporate Representative is the only person to hold and exercise the voting right, be listed in the membership directory, and receive invitations to exclusive events as well as all regular member activities/events.
  • Additional Corporate Representatives (optional):
    A Full Member may propose any of its employees other than the Corporate Representative as an Additional Corporate Representative. This person will enjoy all benefits of a Corporate Representative except for voting rights. An additional fee of $1,500 will be levied for each listing.

Full Membership: Corporate – Start-up

  • Membership for companies less than 2 years old, commencing from the date of incorporation. 
  • The company is entitled to up to 2 membership privilege cards for employees (registration required).
  • Start-up membership is valid for 2 years and requires a switch to ‘Full Member: Corporate’ (size as appropriate at the time) upon expiry of the 2 years.  *Please submit the company "Certificate of Incorporation" (CI) upon applying for membership. Click here to view a sample of the CI.
  • Any company that qualifies may apply for Start-up membership with all the rights of Full membership, including voting rights. A Start-up Member shall nominate one person to be its representative to the GCC (Corporate Representative).
  • The Corporate Representative shall be GCC's main contact and will receive all information about the Full membership via email and/or post. The Corporate Representative is the only person to hold and exercise the voting right, be listed in the membership directory, and receive invitations to exclusive events as well as all regular member activities/events.
  • Additional Corporate Representatives (optional):
    A Full Member may propose any of its employees other than the Corporate Representative as an Additional Corporate Representative. This person will enjoy all benefits of a Corporate Representative except for voting rights. An additional fee of $1,500 will be levied for each listing.

Additional Non-voting Corporate Representrative

  • Additional Non-voting Corporate membership is a supplementary membership in conjunction with Full membership
  • A Full Member may propose any of its employees other than the Corporate Representative as an Additional Corporate Representative. This person will enjoy all benefits of a Corporate Representative except for voting rights. An additional fee of $1,500 will be levied for each listing.

Associate Membership: Individual

  • An Individual Membership is a personal membership with no company affiliation and is not designed for business promotion activities.
  • Any person may apply for Associate Membership with GCC. Individual Members have no voting rights and are not permitted to be elected to the Board of Directors of GCC. Apart from the above, all other rights to receive publications and information, attend GCC events, or avail themselves of the services provided by GCC are granted to Associate Members. 
  • The Associate Member is entitled to 1 membership privilege card.
  • Individual Membership requires approval by GCC Board of Directors. Please send an email to membership@hongkong.ahk.de for further information.

Associate Membership: Not for Profit Making Organisation

  • Any Not for Profit Making Organisation(s) may apply for Associate Membership with GCC subject to the provision of such proof as required by GCC of the organisation’s non profit-making status. 
  • Such organisation will be required to name one person to be its representative for the purposes of attending GCC activities and events, and receiving publications and information. 
  • The member is entitled to 2 membership privilege cards.

Terms and Conditions

  • The GCC Membership fiscal year starts on 1 July and ends on 30 June, and the membership fee is levied for a 12-month period.
  • For memberships commencing between 1 August and 31 March of the following calendar year, the membership fee will be charged on a pro-rata basis.
  • For memberships commencing between 1 April and 30 June, the membership fee will be charged on a pro-rata basis along with the full-year membership fee for the coming membership year.


Chamber Events

Chamber Events

Join our regular events to acquire the latest business trends / opinions, and establish connections with the German, local and the international business communities.

Committees and Working Groups

Committees and Working Groups

The GCC Committees and Working Groups serve as the foundation of the chamber's advocacy role, and as effective platforms to facilitate exchange between members of our business community, local industry experts, and institutions.

Member Benefits Programme

Member Benefits Programme

Discover a variety of exclusive perks for members of the GCC community. Become a Benefit Partner yourself and gain continuous exposure and easy access to new customers!

Member Directory

Members Directory

Our online Member Directory serves as a convenient tool to look up relevant business information and contacts within the GCC network. Find all our members – anytime from anywhere!

Premium Partners

Premium Partners

We proudly showcase our esteemed Premium Partners who support the German Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong. Become a Premium Partner to elevate your brand's visibility and connect with a vibrant business community.